Top 5 Ways to Spark Conversation During the Holidays
What are your plans for the upcoming holidays? Do you get to go home and be with your family? Is everyone coming to your house this year? There are not a lot of things more special than gathering around a table filled with your loved ones. But what do you talk about? We are all about skipping the small talk and really connecting. If you are too, you will love these 5 conversation starters for the holidays this year!

Gathering for the holidays is even more exciting when you get to see extended family you don’t see that often. It’s a feeling of home you can’t quite describe, and one of the warmest feelings. While you love being around them, you may not always know what to ask to get them to really get the conversation flowing since it’s been a while since you’ve last seen each other. That’s why we love our Conversation Cards so much. They help you have fun and meaningful discussions with the people you love most.
These 5 conversation starters for your festivities are just a peek into our Holiday Conversation Card set. If you love these and want more where they came from, you can order them HERE! These cards can easily be added to the flow of the evening by having one placed at each table setting or set out with the appetizers. It’s such a fun and easy way to get things moving and a great way to help guests connect right away!
5 Holiday Conversation Starters
Conversation Starter #1
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Conversation Starter #2
What are you most thankful for right now?
Conversation Starter #3
If you could eat as much of one holiday food with no regrets, what would you choose?
Conversation Starter #4
What is your favorite thing about this time of year?
Conversation Starter #5
What is one of your goals for the coming year?
5 Conversation Starters for the Holidays
These are super simple questions to ask but can result in making really meaningful connections around your table. Try kicking off your chats with any one of these 5 conversation starters for the holidays this year and see how it goes! If you want the full Holiday Conversation Card set, click HERE! We love sharing meaningful conversation ideas, tips for gathering, and ways to connect on our Instagram too, so come give us a follow @lumitory.