My family just recently made a huge move across the country, from the green of the Midwest to the high deserts of the Southwest. After all of your boxes have been opened and most of the items have found their way to new spots in your home, you come to the realization that—we just moved and I have no local friends and no community to really share life with. And that can be a very daunting item to add to your "New move to-do list."

Today, I am sharing 5 tips for making friends after a move. My hope is that these ideas will make it easier to develop lasting friendships in your new zip.  

  1. You be you. Take advantage of having more time on your hands with a lighter social calendar and get involved in activities that make you happy. If you are doing something that you really enjoy and love, then it is in those places that you are more likely to find people who you want to be in your tribe. From local art classes to volunteering at a favorite charity or animal shelter, surrounding yourself with activities that you feel passionate about will increase the likelihood of finding friends with those same passions.
  2. Become a temporary 'Yes person.' It is so easy to move somewhere new and just want to stay home every night. Moving is an exhaustive and daunting task, but if you never put yourself out there, you will never make new connections. You need to be intentional about making friends. When someone makes the effort to include or invite you to something, for the first six months you should try to say yes (within reason) to all of them. At first, the invites are just welcome breaks from quiet nights in your new home, but eventually they can turn into real friends. And you will never know if they could be friends, if you don't put forth the effort.
  3. When you find that friend, be sure to cultivate. At some point, there will be someone who you feel a close connection with, hooray! Now it's time to nurture the friendship. Mention you'd love to meet for coffee or are excited to see them at "x" activity again. You can connect with them on social media, but be sure to try to connect in person as well. Friendships and community take time to grow, but they’re worth your investment in the long run!
  4. Be confident. Most of us have had to start over with friends, whether due to moving or just seasons of life. So everyone has been the newbie or outsider at some point, walking into a new group of people all by themselves. Be sure you walk into those new situations with your head held high. If these people knew you, they would love you! They just haven’t had the chance yet.
  5. Follow the golden rule. Knowing that everyone has been the "new friend" at some point will help you remember how it feels and recognize when someone goes out of their way to welcome you. Make sure that you do the same to others! Be an includer. If you see someone who looks like they may be new around town, welcome them. Be someone who others would want to know and introduce around town!

Community takes time to grow but, if you are persistent about these 5 tips, you will find your people. You’ll connect with friends that make a city so much more than just a city—they make it a home.

Bonus ideas you might try:

  1. Take a class like pottery, cooking or yoga
  2. Join a local book club
  3. Participate in your local Rising Tidy Society group
  4. Volunteer at a non-profit in the area
  5. Host a Lumitory Supper Club
  6. Start attending a new church, synagogue or other religious activity

About Amy

Hello, I'm Amy. I am the creator behind Delineate Your Dwelling, a creative craft + lifestyle blog. I believe anyone can be creative, sometimes you just need a little inspiration, a good tutorial and a small push in the right direction!

Amy Weir