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5 Fun Ways to Spread Kindness - Lumitory

5 Fun Ways to Spread Kindness

“If you see something beautiful in someone, speak it!” - Ruthie Lindsey

People aren’t used to being noticed. With faces glued to phones, it takes a level of intentionality to make eye contact these days. All I know is that the effort of taking a moment to be kind is well worth it.

The Secret to a Life Well Lived - Lumitory

The Secret to a Life Well Lived

In life, each of us has a start date and an end date. We come into this world on a certain date, and we go out on a certain date...but that little hyphen — that little line in between the beginning and the end of our lives is what we call
“The Dash”...
5 Ways to Spread Love - Lumitory

5 Ways to Spread Love

What if we intentionally sought out the people society usually ignores and helped brighten their day with a little extra kindness? My name is Ashley, and I’m here to give you a few ideas on doing just that for this Valentine’s Day (and hopefully every day of the year!).
The Gift of Positive People - Lumitory

The Gift of Positive People

In their most honest form, relationships are reciprocal, symbiotic, well-intentioned, and full of love and light. When we are around people who are good, they strive to push us to become better. When we are around people who are positive, we feel the infectious nature of their energy. Light produces light. Love fosters love. Kindness inspires kindness.