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5 Fun Ways to Spread Kindness - Lumitory

5 Fun Ways to Spread Kindness

“If you see something beautiful in someone, speak it!” - Ruthie Lindsey

People aren’t used to being noticed. With faces glued to phones, it takes a level of intentionality to make eye contact these days. All I know is that the effort of taking a moment to be kind is well worth it.

How to Be a Listening Ear - Lumitory

How to Be a Listening Ear

Katie Cheesman has always had a heart for the elderly. As an adult, she’s worked with this special population in her nursing career, and has seen firsthand just how vital...
Love Your Neighbor - Lumitory

Love Your Neighbor

Spring and summer are a great time to get outside. It’s also a perfect opportunity to set out to get to create a stronger sense of community, connection and friendship with those who live right around you. This month in the journal, we’re focused on getting out and meeting your neighbors. Whether you’ve lived in your home for years or you’ve just recently relocated, here’s our challenge: meet your neighbors! We’ve created a handy printable to help you track your progress.